Monday, March 6, 2023

Weight lifting and Stretching for Triathletes

 Weight Training 

You may have questions about weight training.  Here is an article by the triathlon guru Joe Friel (possible distant relation)  that helps you plan for and adjust the weight training to your body.  And here are a few videos that show you have to do these exercises he suggests correctly.  

Do one of the following: 
Leg press form

Do all of these: 
Catch and Pull  (with bands)
(this is why you're doing this one)

Do the test in the article to determine your Max Rep and follow the suggested # of reps for each phase..  He suggests the # of reps and # of sets.  So for the AA  phase, you should do 15 -20 lifts, rest for 1-1.5 minutes, then do 15-20 lifts, rest for 1-1.5 mins, and a third set of 15-20 lifts.  That's 3 sets of 15-20 reps with RI = 1-1.5mins.  
Do this same set of exercises for  2-3 weeks.  Then move to the next Phase for 2-3 weeks etc. Talk with your coach if you need guidance. 

Stretching and foam rolling
You will find that doing the weights and all the cardio may leave you with DOMS (delayed onset muscle stiffness). One way to combat that is to do active recovery, including lower-impact exercises like walking or yoga.  Another way is to stretch using yoga or just some runner stretches.  Finally you can do foam rolling, which requires that you have some semi-tough round object to roll over or on top of your muscles.  A foam roller works, but some people use rolling pins or softballs or other larger balls.  Whatever you use, be careful not to overextend and take it slow.  Your muscles respond by tightening anytime to stretch..waiting in a position, as we do in yoga, allows the body to begin to accept the stretch and let go. By waiting a few minutes, you'll be able to stretch a bit further.  Always pay attention to your body's signals in stretching.  You can over-stretch and tear a muscle that can end a season.  

Here's an article about why you should stretch every day...but properly!  There are some good stretches described in this article if you don't want to watch the videos. 

Running Stretches
Foam rolling for runner follow along
Foam rolling for cyclists
Foam Rolling for swimmers

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