Monday, October 21, 2019

SWIM TOYS or "what equipment should I have to improve my swimming?"

Well, if you are a geek about your sport you probably own every gadget, electronic and otherwise. But those of us that are less geeky and less financially able, have to choose.  The question is, "what to choose?"

This blog can help you choose what equipment you need.

Image result for what's your problem? imageSo let's break this down into what issues you need to solve first.

This is a list of problems that you may be having with your swimming.  This numbered list will be used to identify which type of gear can help you.

Just getting in the water and slogging away with bad form for a specified time will not do much.  You need to focus on your skills to get a better stroke and speed.

  1. stamina..can't catch my breath
  2. Very slow, sloshing in the water
  3. Not sure how to stroke properly
  4. Is my kicking right? 
  5. I can't breathe, my mouth is filling with water when I turn
  6. I have good form but not going anywhere
  7. I'm swimming well, but want to go faster
  8. I don't know where to start! 

FINIS Snorkel YellowOkay...Let's begin with a simple piece of equipment that can really help almost anyone to amp up their swimming.  

SNORKEL  (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8) 
Speedo Team Pull BuoyYep, this centered snorkel can help you put your head in almost perfect position and allows you to breathe throughout the stroke.  By using a snorkel the slower swimmers with less stamina can focus on stroke and kick and develop stamina.  Faster swimmers can also focus on perfecting stroke and kick which really amping up the demands.  Doing regular high speed intervals is an essential part of improving speed at any level.  

 SWIM BUOY (1,2,3,5,7,8)
AKA Pull Buoy  This allows you to stop worrying about kicking and focus on your pull.  Watch a few videos on how to improve your pull in the swim, then put this up in your crotch and keep it there for some laps.  Beginners often forget that you DON'T KICK! when using this item.  That's essential to get that pull focus.  

This board makes you focus on how you are kicking.  Many beginners bend their legs too much making their legs sink in the water and instead they are creating drag rather than motive force.  Make sure you are kicking from the Gluteus Maximus and with nearly stiff knees.  This board helps you keep your upper body up while focusing only on the kick.  You will know you are doing correct kicks when you move forward well.  Try not to create a lot of splashing.  That means your feet are above the water and not pushing you forward.  

You can buy drag chutes, socks and suits. This essentially makes you swim slower and work harder.  When you use this, you will find you are having to use more powerful strokes and kicks to move forward so you are building muscle and figuring out how to catch the water better.  You might consider using both the drag item and the snorkel to really focus on the power you generate without worrying about the breathing if you want to build your speed. 
Swimming Gear FINIS Tempo Trainer Pro

STROKE METRONOME  (2,3,6,7,8) 
This device helps you increase your strokes per lap.  Once you have gotten a good stroke with power, you could use this to increase your speed.  It's similar to the idea from biking or running that RPMS can improve your speed without requiring an increase in power.  

Swimming Gear FINIS pulling strapBANDS (3,6,7) 
There are a variety of ways to use bands.  For beginners, a band with a pull buoy can prevent kicking.  For intermediate swimmers, using a band around the waist attached to the poolside to swim against can help improve stroke and kick power.  For advanced swimmers, using a band can improve stroke power because the band around the ankles prevents kicking and creates drag to swim against.  For everyone, using a band at poolside to pull against and strengthen the traps and lats will help stroke power.  

So before you buy a gadget, think about your swim issues and select one that will help you improve.  Of course, there are plenty of other items out there to buy but these are basic, inexpensive ones that can help you focus on your swim technique. 

Almost any swim supply company has them.  Speedo, Swimwear USA, Amazon are just a few places you can find what you need.  
Happy swimming!  

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