Monday, August 5, 2019

SIPE and Heat Training

 I had a couple of conversations recently about two topics that most triathletes should really know.  

1. SIPE : Swimming Induced Pulmonary Edema  
2. The effects of heat training on your body

Let's start with SIPE.  I don't want to scare you but you certainly should know what this is and the symptoms because it could mean life or death for you or someone you know. 
In slang terms it's "drowning from the inside" because your lungs fill with water.  There are a few swimming deaths each year in triathlons and some of these appear to be due to SIPE. 
What happens is that pressure from outside the body causes the body to send water to the lungs.  Symptoms are a cough, blood tinged spit and shortness of breath.  If you are volunteering at the swim, you should know about this and look for these symptoms.  If you are experiencing these symptoms, it's time to get out of the water.  You cannot wait it out and continue swimming.  Essentially your race is over if you begin to have these symptoms.  Ignoring them can lead to death.  

I was talking to someone today who asked me why I was out riding and running in such hot conditions.  I explained that there are significant benefits to training in the heat for athletes.  The link in the title is an article that cites scientific research on why training in heat is so good for you.  This article indicates that blood volume increases but my comment was that the body is encouraged to build new capillaries to dissipate heat more rapidly which would explain a need for more blood volume with no increase in blood pressure.  Apparently your oxygen efficiency goes up (VO2 max improves) and your sweat rate goes up, which we would all agree happens.  In fact your body continues to dissipate heat long after you stop exercising indicating your metabolism is amped up  as well.  So when you're out there sweating and struggling with high heat, imagine the good things your body is doing to make you a better athlete and perhaps you'll have more tolerance for it.  I know I do!  

Don't forget about the upcoming last OWS session at Ohio Street Beach Aug 20.  This last session includes the course talk which means you can skip the course talk at the expo/packet pick up.  It's worth it to not only get some good swimming training in but also save yourself the 45 min course talk at packet pick up.  You get a bracelet after the talk indicating you have attended.  If you still want to try out  a wetsuit, you can rent one there.  All the Tri coaches in Chicago volunteer at these events so you get access to some of the best coaches in the city! 

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