Monday, March 2, 2015

We just won't quit!

So a friend posted this article today about over 50 athletes. I can't say it any better so I'm going to just copy the site:
Training for Triathlons at an Older Age NYTimes
 ********************************************************************************* I hope you love this story as much as I do. I have to admit that I read it dreading the notion that I'd be reading about this woman who began at 66 and qualified for Kona or something but no, it was an article about a real person training and working her way back to fitness like me.

Whew! My competitive spirit was unchallenged. There's plenty of stories out there about people who overcome illness, over weight conditions and general sedentary lifestyles. It takes the willingness to take one small step...get out the door and try. Every day you try, your body gets more fit and you feel it happening. It's not over night and you have to take it one day at a time.
But I guarantee, that over the course of less than 2 months, you will know you are on a good path and your body will be telling you it loves this activity. The human body responds to pressure. Not stress, pressure. The pressure you put on your bones and muscles make your body build new stronger bones and muscles. I am 58 this year. My friends tell me I look 40. I feel like I did when I was 30. Don't you want that too? Old age DOES NOT MEAN INFIRM, CREAKY, OR FEEBLE. It only means those things if you neglect to put pressure on your body.

 Go ahead, I dare you. Compete with me. Start your program today and tell me your story. If you outpace me in a race I want to hear how you did I can do it too!

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